Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Scattering Seeds of Social Networking

A diaspora (in Greek, διασπορά – "a scattering [of seeds]") is any movement of a population sharing common national and/or ethnic identity. While refugees may or may not ultimately settle in a new geographic location, the term diaspora refers to a permanently displaced and relocated collective.

The fact that after entering the three words "how to quit" in google search one sees "Facebook" in the number #4 position (right in between smoking and your job) gives a clear indication that there is a large majority of people ready to break up with their favorite social networking site. The recent privacy changes are at the heart of the confusion, panic, and possible exodus of thousands of users. I am one of those users. I am weary of my privacy being compromised and feel overwhelmed with trying to keep up with how to keep my profile private. recently showed users how to put a privacy lockdown on a facebook profile. Check this out:

If you look in the right hand corner of this picture you will notice "1/33". Yep, that's right... if you follow the directions on all 33 slides you too can have a Facebook profile with 'privacy lockdown'. I have to admit, I enjoy spending time on Facebook, but I enjoy spending time connecting with friends, not my profile settings. Although, I don't feel comfortable, I will stay with Facebook for now (I'm starting to sound like a woman in an abusive relationship) I clearly will go through all 33 slides and update my settings, because the connection to my family and friends is far more important to me than leaving Facebook (I'm staying with him for the kids!). However, if another platform were to come along that didn't require me to give up my data rights and privacy (R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me!) I would jump on board.

Wait.. I think I may have just found my Prince Charming who will save me from the clutches of my controlling relationship with Facebook!! Four Prince Charmings to be exact. Four totally socially awkward and geeky Prince Charmings.

Meet lya, Dan, Max, and Raphael:

There are high hopes that these guys (kids) are going to reinvent social networking. There project is Diaspora. Diaspora is a social networking site that is attempting to decentralize networks and give users control of their data by letting users set up their own personal encrypted server. With $120,000 raised in just a couple of weeks on Kickstarter to support this project I would say there is definitely a demand for such a networking site. This is Diaspora's 100 word manifesto (I love it!):

“We believe that privacy and connectedness do not have to be mutually exclusive. With Diaspora, we are reclaiming our data, securing our social connections, and making it easy to share on your own terms. We think we can replace today’s centralized social web with a more secure and convenient decentralized network. Diaspora will be easy to use, and it will be centered on you instead of a faceless hub.”

I think Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is in trouble if he doesn't change his possessive ways. People want control. People want privacy rights. People want to feel respected. People want to trust those that they reveal their personal information to. Facebook is losing on all accounts. Let the Diaspora begin...

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